现实增强 工具包 csdn_增强现实:21世纪教育的理想工具
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现实增强 工具包 csdn

到2025年,全球电子学习市场收入将达到3000亿美元 (global e-learning market revenue will reach $300 billion by 2025)


It is evident through these statistical findings that learning has not been restricted to conventional ways. The dependency on classroom sessions has decreased due to the implementation of innovative methods of teaching.

通过这些统计结果可以明显地看出,学习并不局限于常规方式。 由于采用了创新的教学方法,因此减少了对课堂教学的依赖。

The blended learning programs have reshaped the knowledge parting exercise. If you have a child, you must have already welcomed the e-learning trends in your life. Flourishing technologies like augmented reality and virtual reality have started entering the education industry.

混合学习计划重塑了知识分离练习。 如果您有孩子,您一定已经欢迎您生活中的电子学习趋势。 像增强现实和虚拟现实这样蓬勃发展的技术已经开始进入教育行业。

The growing adoption of augmented reality is a reason behind its steady entrance in the education and e-learning industry. According to the findings of Statista, the

增强现实被越来越多的采用是其稳步进入教育和电子学习行业的原因。 根据Statista的调查结果,

到2025年,增强现实全球市场规模将达到1,980亿美元 (augmented reality global market size will reach $198 billion by 2025)

. Below is the graphical representation of the same.

。 下面是相同的图形表示。

This clearly depicts the increasing adoption of AR technology all over the globe. The

这清楚地说明了AR技术在全球范围内的日益普及。 的

如此受欢迎,以至于每10个品牌中就有9个计划在其广告系列中使用AR (popularity is such that 9 out of every 10 brands plan to use AR in their campaigns)

. Despite the omnipresence of AR technology people get confused about its actual meaning.

。 尽管AR技术无所不在,但人们对其实际含义感到困惑。

The most important thing to clear out here is, AR is not the same as virtual reality. Augmented reality plays with reality but does not add anything. Like, when you use the IKEA app, you can check how a sofa will look at your place.

这里要清除的最重要的一点是,AR与虚拟现实并不相同。 增强现实与现实一起玩,但不添加任何东西。 就像,当您使用宜家应用程序时,您可以检查沙发如何看待您的位置。

There are millions of AR apps for the education and e-learning industry which have been gaining immense popularity. They have become an easy and successful option to establish a market in education and e-learning services.

有数以百万计的用于教育和电子学习行业的AR应用程序正变得越来越流行。 它们已成为在教育和电子学习服务市场中建立市场的简便而成功的选择。

This is because AR has the ability to provide an engaging and immersive real-time learning experience to users. It enhances the learning power by stimulating thoughts among students. Here are a few things which AR provides to education and e-learning activities:

这是因为AR能够为用户提供引人入胜的沉浸式实时学习体验。 它通过激发学生的思想来增强学习能力。 以下是AR为教育和在线学习活动提供的一些信息:

刺激互动的物体 (Interactive objects that stimulate)

Stimulations through interactive objects can be highly immersive if you know the right way of doing it. Adding links to an e-learning content which will seem like the usual audio or video link. When the learner will click on those links, they will be surprised to find an interactive object. This leaves a lasting impact on the minds and helps them grasp the concepts easily.

如果您知道正确的操作方式,则通过交互式对象进行的刺激可能会让人身临其境。 将链接添加到在线学习内容中,看起来像通常的音频或视频链接。 当学习者单击这些链接时,他们会惊讶地发现一个交互式对象。 这对思想产生了持久的影响,并帮助他们轻松掌握概念。

沉浸式的故事 (Immersive stories)

There is no other way better than Storytelling to inject certain concepts into the minds of the users. When these stories become immersive with the help of interactive elements, you get unbelievable results.

除了讲故事之外,没有其他方法可以将某些概念注入用户的脑海。 当这些故事在互动元素的帮助下变得身临其境时,您将获得令人难以置信的结果。

AR fictional books are using this technology to immerse readers into the fictional environment. Making them the protagonists in these fictional stories amplifies the emotional connection with the story.

AR虚构书籍正在使用这项技术将读者浸入虚构环境中。 使他们成为这些虚构故事中的主角,可以放大与故事的情感联系。

3D学习模型 (3D learning models)

These are the most used and effective ways in which augmented reality is used in e-learning and education industry. The three-dimensional models allow learners to view the object from all angles.

这些是在电子学习和教育行业中使用增强现实的最常用和最有效的方法。 三维模型允许学习者从各个角度查看对象。

This could be anything related to the subject. For example, if you get a model developed about the digestive system. No matter how much you will teach them through pictures or words, the three-dimensional model will have a lasting impact on their minds.

这可能是与该主题有关的任何事情。 例如,如果您获得了有关消化系统的模型。 不管您通过图片或文字教给他们多少,三维模型都会对他们的思想产生持久的影响。

A clickable 3D item can also be used to describe every part of the model or diagram in detail which is not possible in a picture. Augmented reality has the potential to manipulate three-dimensional models that are well-exploited in the e-learning and education industry.

可单击的3D项也可以用于详细描述模型或图表的每个部分,而这在图片中是不可能的。 增强现实有可能操纵在电子学习和教育行业中得到充分利用的三维模型。

小组互动 (Group interaction)

How good is it to have classroom lessons online with the help of augmented reality? These can also be used to have a group conversation among pupils. This enhances the learning experience of students.

在增强现实的帮助下在线上课堂课有多好? 这些也可用于在学生之间进行小组对话。 这增强了学生的学习体验。

The virtual meeting space will improve the idea sharing and conversation skills of the learners. In order to make this activity more interactive, learners can use mobile phones and smart glasses.

虚拟会议空间将提高学习者的想法共享和对话技巧。 为了使此活动更具交互性,学习者可以使用手机和智能眼镜。

Reading such ideas is always attractive for entrepreneurs but only a few of them are able to make them lucrative. Effective implementation of augmented reality in your e-learning and education modules is more crucial than planning.

阅读这样的想法对企业家总是很有吸引力,但是只有少数能够使他们赚钱。 在您的电子学习和教育模块中有效实施增强现实比计划更重要。

There are many examples of successful AR apps in the education and e-learning industry. Let’s discuss a few of them to get an idea about how to implement these ideas for AR use in the education and e-learning industry.

在教育和电子学习行业中有许多成功的AR应用程序的例子。 让我们讨论其中的一些,以获取有关如何在教育和电子学习行业中将这些想法实现用于AR的想法。

Chromville (Chromville)

I shared the idea of using interactive objects while teaching students and using them to create immersive stories. Chromville is a coloring app that has adopted this idea pretty well. As soon as the child colors a figure, it comes to life.

我分享了在教学生并使用它们创建沉浸式故事时使用交互式对象的想法。 Chromville是一款着色应用程序,已经很好地采用了这个想法。 一旦孩子给人物上色,它就会栩栩如生。

The colored figures turn into interactive objects with the help of augmented reality technology. This makes learning a fun-loving activity and helps students in grasping the concept quite easily.

在增强现实技术的帮助下,彩色人物变成了互动对象。 这使学习成为一项有趣的活动,并帮助学生非常轻松地掌握这一概念。

地球AR (Earth AR)

It is available to students for free. This app is meant to provide information about the geography of Earth. The movement of your device will allow the rotation of Earth. A 6-axis motion sensing is provided by an accelerometer and Gyroscope.

它是免费提供给学生的。 该应用旨在提供有关地球地理的信息。 设备的移动将允许地球旋转。 加速度计和陀螺仪提供6轴运动感测。

When I first used this app, I got glued for around an hour. So, it has the potential to make people addicted to it. This app provides cube mapping, normal mapping, and reflection mapping.

当我第一次使用该应用程序时,我被粘了大约一个小时。 因此,它有可能使人们沉迷于此。 此应用程序提供了多维数据集映射,法线映射和反射映射。

动物园AR (Zoo AR)

Interactive objects have been used impeccably in this app. Download this app and meet a thousand animals. The animals can come to life either by taking their print out or viewing them from another device.

交互式对象已在此应用程序中完美使用。 下载此应用程序,结识一千只动物。 这些动物可以通过打印出来或从其他设备查看它们来变得生动。

The 3D view of the animals and insects is quite fascinating for children and helps them learn the features of different creatures easily.


4D解剖 (4D Anatomy)

All apps that allow you to see the inside of a human body effectively. In this app, you need to get a model printed on a paper. Keep the camera on the printed page or directly on your smartphone.

所有可让您有效查看人体内部的应用程序。 在此应用中,您需要在纸上打印模型。 将相机放在打印页上或直接放在智能手机上。

The 4D model will appear which can zoom in and zoom out to get into the details. It is one of the best apps to study biology in an easy and speedy way. Moreover, the depth of knowledge you will gain is not possible to attain through the usual pictorial representation.

4D模型将出现,可以放大和缩小以进入细节。 它是轻松便捷地研究生物学的最佳应用程序之一。 此外,您将无法通过通常的图形表示获得知识的深度。

科学AR (Science AR)

This app is widely used in schools. This app requires print outs of science posters. Keep your smartphone camera above these posters and you can see the posters coming alive into 3D models. It is a helpful and interesting way of learning science.

这个程序在学校被广泛使用。 此应用需要科学海报的打印输出。 将智能手机摄像头放在这些海报上方,您会看到这些海报生动地融入3D模型中。 这是学习科学的有益而有趣的方式。

您将如何获得AR教育应用程序? (How will you get an AR education app?)

I have shared the ways of implementing Augmented Reality to your app and the examples of apps that have successfully implemented AR. This technology has immense scope in the education and e-learning industry. In fact, AR has revolutionized this industry for a better learning experience.

我已经分享了对您的应用程序实施增强现实的方法以及成功实现AR的应用程序示例。 这项技术在教育和电子学习行业中具有巨大的范围。 实际上,AR已经使该行业发生了革命性变化,从而获得了更好的学习体验。

The power of augmented reality can be used to enhance the efficiency of learning activity incredibly. If you want to get an augmented reality enabled education application then you can contact a company providing education & e-learning development services.

增强现实的力量可以用来极大地提高学习活动的效率。 如果您想获得支持增强现实的教育应用程序,则可以联系提供教育和电子学习开发服务的公司。


现实增强 工具包 csdn


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